

The Countries with the Most Linguistic Diversity

Published on January 26, 2021 By  Carmen Ang, Visual capitalist The Briefing Papua New Guinea is the most linguistically diverse country in the world, with approximately 840 different languages spoken across the islandsIn second place, Indonesia has around 711 different languages. Only 20% of the population speaks the national language of Bahasa Indonesian at home   Ranked: The Most Diverse Countries By

The mysteries of the world’s alphabets

Let us penetrate together the wonderful and fascinating world of the world’s alphabets … Who hasn’t dreamed one day in his childhood of possessing a real “secret code” as a private and exclusive mode of communication, like the walrus or the semaphore? Because, did you know, not all alphabets can be written… Surrounded by the

Is it possible to learn to read and write in several languages at the same time?

Translation of the interview of Christine Hélot, professeure des Universités à Strasbourg, ESPE Alsace So this question is a rather complex pedagogical question, but one can answer right away: “Yes, absolutely! “. The bilingual programs that have been very successful in showing children learning to read and write in two languages at the same time

Recognition of bilingualism: what is at stake for society?

Translation of the interview with Marie Rose Moro, pédopsychiatre à la maison de Solenn – Paris The stakes for society of the recognition of bilingualism are both pragmatic and political. Pragmatic because the more we accept differences, between children, between languages, between ways of being, between skills, skin colours etc., the stronger the group and

Why do we sometimes mix our languages?

More specifically, “why do bilingual children sometimes mix their languages? “ Translation of the interview with Anne Christophe, chercheur au CNRS, Ecole Normale Supérieure. So it’s true that when we observe a bilingual child, we see that he tends to mix his two languages, that is to say that he will take a word in